FFL Transfers
Shopping the internet for a new firearm and need a place to ship it to? Send it to us.

Purchasing online
We know how exciting it is to get a new firearm and our goal is to ensure that you have a smooth and speedy transaction. Below is a few things that will help you with your pick-up. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have a question or need help. 850-944-5692 or buckandbass86@gmail.com
Waiting Period
Florida has a mandatory three day waiting period on all firearms. This waiting period starts once commerce has begun or once you have paid for you new firearm. SAVE YOUR RECEIPT that shows when you made your purchase. Weekends and legal state holidays do not count as waiting period days. There are exemptions to the mandatory waiting period. For more information contact us at 850-944-5692 or buckandbass86@gmail.com or visit Florida Department of Law Enforcement Firearm Purchase Program https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/FPP.
Who can pick up your firearm
Only the person who paid for the firearm can pick it up. ****The name on the receipt must match the name on the identification**** There are no exception to this. We will absolutely terminate any transaction that we think may be a straw purchase.
When you package arrives
When you package rolls through the door you will most likely receive a notification from the carrier. Please be patient. We receive many transfers per day and it sometime takes us several hours to check them all in. Once we do get it ready for pick-up we will call the phone number on the invoice.
Background Check
The most frustrating part of a gun purchase is the background check. Many factors effect how long it takes to receive a background check disposition. Some are returned instantly and some take a while to process. You can check the status of your background check with the link below.